CARING for your new Dog.
The Basics…..
1. Always keep a collar and identity / microchip disc on the dog.
2. The dog is used to 2 meals a day. We recommend sticking to better quality brands.
3. Always ensure the dog has access to water.
4. Due to the stress of a new home some dogs may suffer from diahorrea initially. If the problem lasts a few days it may be advisable to starve the dog for 24 hours then use bland food e.g. Chappie, before weaning them back onto their normal diet. If it persists for longer than a few days, consult your vet.
5. Some dogs may be unsettled in their new environment, you might experience some chewing and / or crying etc. during the night or the first few times they are left. If the problem persists we are on hand to offer advice.
6. Keep the dog on the lead for the first 2 months. Some may need longer on the lead, use your judgement.
7. House training may take a day or two longer. Most dogs prefer to go to the toilet outside, but as they are used to kennel life, there will probably be the odd accident. Be patient! If they do have an accident, don’t make a fuss, just calmly move the animal out of the room and clean it up. Do praise them and make a fuss when they go to the toilet outside.
8. Don’t bath or groom the dog until you know one another.
9. If the dog has a history of dominance we advise you to keep them off the furniture at all times and not allow them in the bedroom. This is to enforce the dog’s position in the household. Don’t grab the dog’s collar until you know one another.
1. Take care when introducing the dog to children, don’t let the children crowd the dog, hug the dog, play rough with the dog, etc. The dog may not be used to children and you don’t know how they will react. Until you feel you know the dog, don’t leave children unattended with him / her.
2. Don’t let children give any medication to the dog at all. When the dog is in discomfort you do not know how they will react.
Other Dogs…..
1. If you already have another dog, introduce them on neutral territory. Take them for a walk together. Your old dog may feel pushed out, but persevere.
2. There may be a time of unsettlement whilst the dogs establish a pack order, again please persevere; you can consult behaviourist advise though if necessary. We are always on hand to help.
3. Don’t leave the dogs together until you feel it is safe to do so.
Other Pets…..
Make sure small animals are safe from the new dog e.g. hamster cages are out of reach, rabbit runs / hutches are secure.
Remember you are a stranger to the dog. In times of fear and uncertainty of a new situation some dogs can react with aggression. When you have anything to do with the dog please be aware of this. Give the dog time and space to settle in. Many problems can be overcome with training, consistency, routine and / or seeking advice from a behaviourist. We are always on hand to offer our own advice.
Plan for the future…..
If your situation changes e.g. working hours increase, please consider your dog, we recommend if you are out for over 5 hours get a neighbour / friend / relative to let the dog out or employ a dog walker (most vets advertise them) for your working days.